Eyelash lamination: who is it for and what does the treatment consist of?
I have been studying this interesting process from different points of view for many months now and I am not finished learning yet!
Unfortunately or “fortunately” the information we have available nowadays is still very scarce, but this is my cup of tea! As it already happened when I started working in the wonderful field of eyelash extensions, here in Italy, I had no reference points to rely on and so I had to do research, study, try and work hard.
Now, based on my studies and the knowledge I have managed to acquire, also comparing myself with the great masters of the sector and directly contacting the producers of well-known brands, I will make a small summary for you:
What is eyelash lamination?
It is a treatment that is performed directly on the natural eyelashes, after a curvature ( perm eyelashes ) and if necessary also dyeing . The main goal of this procedure is to nourish the hair by giving it an internal and external charge of keratin , vitamins , elasticity and shine making the hair visibly healthier.
As mentioned before, the eyelash perm is the basis of lamination and consequently the whole procedure also allows you to curl very straight eyelashes as you like or fix crossed eyelashes.
Who is it addressed to?
The eyelash thickening treatment is intended for all those who:
- have eyelashes that grow too straight or downwards: in this case a more attractive and more “open” look is created. The eyelashes will appear more visible and thick, in this way the client can say goodbye to the mechanical eyelash curler;
- have eyelashes that grow very messy/crossed: in this case we will enhance the look which becomes more precise and much more tidy even when applying mascara;
- have very dry and damaged eyelashes: in this case we nourish the eyelashes which appear healthier, revitalized and nourished;
- have very thin eyelashes: the main function of the treatment is to thicken and lengthen the hair. (Be careful though, if the hair is really small, e.g. less than 6 mm, the visible result is very slight);
- they have very long and stiff eyelashes: after the lamination treatment, the hair becomes softer, silkier and more natural;
- for anyone who is taking a break from eyelash extensions .
Few people know that…
- To make this treatment truly effective, the procedure must be repeated several times. It is best to perform 3-4 sessions in about 4 months , because lamination is a CUMULATIVE treatment and to obtain a real result the application must be performed constantly;
- The result of lamination does not have to be visible to the naked eye. In fact, the thickening of the hair can only be seen under a microscope! A common mistake is to leave the layer of dye on the lashes, because it is said that this way the client is happy because she can clearly see the result. But… the dye dries and damages the hair during the following 24 hours during which it is recommended not to wash the lashes.
So where is the benefit of eyelash lamination?
The application times must be calculated based on the structure of the hair which is naturally not the same for all types of eyelashes.
- NOT ALL substances found on the market actually contain keratin , as is often said. Keratin, in fact, plays a key role in hair, eyelashes and eyebrows. The goal of the treatment containing keratin is to restore a good level of keratin to the hair, which is already present in the hair in various forms. The right amount of keratin in the hair protects the eyelashes from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, helps keep the hair always hydrated and therefore counteracts the effects resulting from more aggressive treatments such as coloring or perming.
Of course, all these benefits are only available if the product actually contains keratin. So, pay attention to the components! - According to European regulation 1223/2009, the maximum concentration of hydrogen peroxide that can be applied to eyelashes is 1.5%…. this too needs to be checked!
I have done several tests in the last few months, collaborating with chemists in the sector and I have seen with my own eyes (and with the help of microscopes) that the perfect substances exist but you have to look for them among different proposals.
Of one thing I can be sure: the eyelash lamination , filler or keratin treatment is a SPA treatment , that is, above all a treatment of benefit and internal and external health of our eyelashes and eyebrows. The result is not purely aesthetic and is not already visible from the first application. Be wary of those who claim the opposite and offer us optical effects of thickening caused by the dye not removed!
I hear some very confusing ideas and perceptions about how lamination should be, but I hope I've given you a very clear general picture.
But we still have a lot to learn!
Follow us… I will update you much more soon!
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