LASH FILLER (eyelash lamination) how it works and how to do it
Procedure of the professional eyelash lamination treatment LASH FILLER®
Following numerous requests, we publish a short and essential handout for the correct procedure of the professional eyelash lamination treatment LASH FILLER . A few key points to follow to obtain excellent and incredible results!
I am talking about results because with the LASH FILLER treatment we do not play with optical effects but we concretely develop aesthetic and healing improvements of the eyelashes. It is a real SPA treatment for our clients. The entire treatment, in addition to being made in Italy , which guarantees the use of raw materials and ingredients of the highest quality, has been analyzed, tested and confirmed by the prestigious Research Institute of Milan . LASH FILLER not only curves and nourishes the eyelashes making them more beautiful, healthy and shiny but it thickens them! The cumulative process leads in just 3 treatments to thicken the eyelashes on average by 24% of their diameter.
But let's go into detail and see the correct procedure:
- The client's eyes and eyelashes are assessed in order to choose the right curler. At the time of treatment, the eyes must be healthy, without makeup, without any irritation of the eye or eyelid. Of course, the eyelashes must be present and healthy too!
To deeply clean the lashes and the space between the lashes, use InLei® "MOUSSE" GENTLE MAKE-UP REMOVER FOR EYELASHES AND FACE - The eyelashes and eye contour area are cleansed with InLei® "SALINE PRETREATMENT" .
- With the help of a PATCH (pad under the eyes), the lower lashes are blocked and at the same time the skin is protected.
With the InLei® "FIXING GEL" the curlers are placed on the upper eyelid (with the eye closed) on both eyes. To choose the right curler, check that the client's lashes go beyond halfway up the curler. InLei® curlers with the number "1" are suitable for obtaining a more natural curl, as they lift the lash directly from the root. InLei® curlers without "1" produce more "doll-like" curls, as they work more by lifting from the middle of the lashes to the tip.
- The lashes are lifted and positioned on the curler with the help of InLei® "FIXING GEL" in the desired position. Depending on the look we want to achieve, the lashes can be positioned more towards the outer edge of the eye or more vertical.
- The first InLei® "FORM 1" substance is placed 1.5 - 2 mm from the root, with the help of a brush, without involving the tips of the lashes. Depending on the nature of the lashes: medium, thin or thick, it is left on for 6 - 14 minutes. The first solution is to be removed with the help of a dry cotton swab.
Place substance number two: InLei® “FIX 2” following the same procedure as the previous one and leave it on for half the time of the first substance. After the necessary time, remove with a dry cotton swab.
- While waiting for the second substance, prepare the InLei® dye by mixing InLei® “DEVELOPER CREAM 1.5% 5 VOL” with the chosen color and leave to rest for a few minutes. After removing the second substance, the color is placed on the lashes and left to sit for 8 – 12 min. (depending on the type of hair). The dye should be spread on the lashes, initially with a thin layer, then add more product until all the lashes are well covered up to the tip. At the end of the time, remove the dye completely with the help of a cotton swab.
NB: do not worry if the dye remains light, it will begin to develop the color when it is already on the fur. InLei® dyes are formulated with the latest technologies. -
Apply the InLei® "FILLER 3" substance. With the help of a brush and with quick movements, rub the product, repositioning any lashes that have come loose from the curler. Allow the product to penetrate until completely absorbed. With a wet cotton swab, remove the curlers, without touching the lashes. Clean the roots of the lashes with a microbrush to remove any dye residue.
The final result is exciting. Simple, fast and easily proposed to all customers. The total duration of the entire treatment, including dyeing, is approximately 1h / 1.20h and the effect lasts up to 5 weeks, of course I specify that the duration is very subjective from person to person, from the type of eyelashes and skin. For the luckiest it can last up to 2 months. I remember that the greater effectiveness of the Filler is due to the cumulative effect, therefore it is recommended to repeat the treatment at least 3 consecutive times at a distance of 4 weeks and in cycles repeated 2/3 times a year.
I have explained the main steps of the treatment, but I remind you that there is still a lot of information, beyond the simple manual procedure, that is good to know and study thoroughly. This makes the difference between those who perform the treatment and those who know it up to every modification of the molecule. So I always strongly recommend that you take a professional course , as it is a treatment "for professional use only" and not a "do it yourself".
Good work and good Revolution to all!!!
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