Hair Perm VS Lash Lifting
Let's delve into the evolution of the perm, from hair to lashes. Pros and Cons.
Since the world is the world everyone knows that women are never satisfied?, those who have curly hair want it straight, those who have straight hair want it curly, those who have light eyes want them dark and vice versa. It is not our dissatisfaction but a desire to change, to see ourselves different every now and then because monotony bores us!
Have you ever wondered how long ago women started wanting to change the shape of their hair?
From my research I have discovered that the “curl” industry was born around the year 1905. It is incredible to think that for a good 113 years man has been studying and designing new and cutting edge methods to transform the shape of hair or “hair” from straight to curly.

With the article you are about to read I would like to tell the evolution of the processes and substances used in the treatment of the perm and the differences between hair and eyelash perms.
Digging into the history of the birth of the perm I discovered incredible things, just look at the photo on the side and I challenge anyone not to smile… ?
Hairdressers in the 1900s achieved a long series of successes with hair-curling treatments performed using some truly bizarre methodologies.
Initially, a certain Karl Nessler performed chemical perming of hair which took 5-10 hours with the help of long heated metal rods and sodium hydroxide.

Once the era of heated iron curlers was over, various other methods were born with the help of electricity and steam and from 1931 onwards much smaller curlers and substances characterised by the presence of sulphides began to be used, which the client would go home to sleep with and which were then removed only the following day.
Only at the beginning of the 70s did the so-called “ cold perm ” finally emerge, the complex evolution of which we can still enjoy today, certainly with much more delicate substances than back then.
We are now taking long strides towards the 2000s where, at least here in Italy, we are starting to hear about eyelash perms for the first time.
Personally, I tried my first eyelash perm in Ukraine 16 years ago. I have not been able to find any documentation regarding the birth of the eyelash procedure, but its existence in Italy is certainly recent compared to Eastern countries.
After a long process of hair perm modifications, humanity, but surely a crazy woman in love with curled eyelashes, began to wonder if it could be possible to do a curling perm on eyelashes too. Since I consider myself the heir of that woman, crazy for amazing eyelashes, I have started to study the field of lash lift in depth for several years now and with the knowledge acquired and the experience gained I can already confidently affirm and/or contradict several popular beliefs.
Obviously, in general, professionals and the end customer are interested in knowing with extreme certainty if the eyelash perm treatment has similar contraindications to the hair perm. Precisely for this reason I wanted to create a very clear and precise table that describes the advantages or contraindications of these treatments.
1. PREGNANCYIt is not recommended during pregnancy! It is claimed that the agents of the substances enter the body through the blood and could cause harm to the baby. |
1. PREGNANCY It is not as harmful as a permanent hair, even from the point of view of breathing. Very small quantities are used on the eyelashes. In any case it is not recommended during pregnancy because the body's PH changes and in some cases the curl does not take, that is, it may not occur. |
2. NATURAL HAIREven in normal situations, the condition of the hair must be carefully assessed before recommending a perm to the client. In the case of very thin or weak hair, it is absolutely not recommended as there is a risk of irreparably damaging it or even burning it. |
2. NATURAL LASHESIt can also be done on short and/or thin hair. The life of the hair is around 100 days, unlike the hair that lives approximately 1000 days. The result is curling and does not damage the eyelashes. |
3. ALLERGIES For all allergy sufferers, especially skin allergies, it is highly recommended to perform a patch test before the hair perm treatment. |
3. ALLERGIES A patch test should be performed in all cases, especially for water-soluble glue, substance N1 (permanent) and for dye (if used). |
4. TREATMENTSPerms are not recommended for those who use regenerating products, oils, nourishing masks, hair dyes or bleaches, henna, etc. on a daily basis. All these substances have the ability to remain in the hair, negatively affecting the perm process, therefore they can make the result of the perm unpredictable. |
4. TREATMENTSHair, unlike hair, does not have a large capacity for absorbing cosmetic substances, except when chemical substances are used, such as dyes, for example. |
5. COLORINGAfter the last hair coloring, at least 2 weeks should pass before a perm. Some say that with today's advanced technologies and gentle dyes, you can do a perm and hair dye at the same time, but I personally wouldn't risk it.) |
5. COLORINGIt is done in the same session coloring and perm or filler. In the case of Lash Filler, using its specific dye for eyelashes, the dye helps in the chemical process to penetrate the filler into the hair, binding correctly to the keratin molecules. It is always recommended to use adequate oxidants, permitted by European regulation, with no more than 2% hydrogen peroxide. |
6. DRUGSWhen taking medications or during periods of illness it is better to avoid hairdresser appointments as the medications can negatively affect the success of the treatment. |
6. DRUGSWhen taking medications or during periods of illness it is better to avoid appointments with the lashstylist as the medications can negatively affect the success of the treatment. |
7. MOODA small aside: even a bad mood or a strong state of stress can negatively affect the chemical treatment of the perm. So it is always better to visit the hairdresser when you are happy). |
7. MOODEven when it comes to eyelashes, stress, anxiety or a bad mood can negatively affect the chemical process. Of course, this has not yet been scientifically proven, but I have often had real proof of this statement. |
8. SERIOUS ILLNESSES of any kind:- during chemotherapy treatment, the hair of the whole body, like the head, is affected by the toxic drugs and the hair bulb over time reduces its diameter until it comes out of its place, causing hair loss. Therefore, it is considered counterproductive and useless to further stress the hair and skin with other chemical substances. |
8. SERIOUS ILLNESSES of any kind: It is strongly recommended not to perform the treatment on subjects with: |
But you read the word filler in the article and also in the table and you asked yourself: "What could it be???".
The time has come to tell you about the revolution of permanent nail polish and I am so proud to have become part of the history of this treatment by creating truly innovative and exceptional products.
Lash Lift and Lash Filler are treatments composed of products from the InLei® line, entirely made in Italy, with top-quality ingredients that comply with European regulations and guarantee a 100% final effect.
Lash Lift is RECOMMENDED for all those who want to highlight their look, lift lashes that grow downwards, tidy up tangled and messy lashes. With the “Lash Lift” treatment we can forget about mechanical or electric eyelash curlers!
To prolong the effect of the treatment we use the third substance of the perm which is essentially an emollient oil that defines the curvature process, closes the hair scales and protects from the penetration of humidity or UV rays in the following 24 hours, the time required to “seal” the curvature in the hair.
Lash Filler is the latest trend, the evolution of all the healing treatments of recent years such as: lamination , botox , collagen , keratin . The revolution is given by the excellent and stable curvature of the lashes and the revitalizing charge of Filler 3 that reaches the hair bulb and is able to thicken the hair by 24% in just three treatments. It is RECOMMENDED for anyone who wants to take care of their natural lashes, make them less fragile, thicker, shinier and more vital and naturally giving them the desired curvature.
Of course, it goes without saying that you can get excellent and safe results from the point of view of hair curvature and health only when you use top quality products and when the treatment is performed by competent and expert hands. Never rely on improvised operators or those who use poor products or products of dubious origin!
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