FORMA + FORMA UP Universal silicone eyelash shields

Innovative silicone shields suitable for all eyelash lengths thanks to the crease-free surface. It gives a half-drop curvature that varies depending on the starting lashes and is able to open up the look of every type of eye.
- 100% Made in Italy, 100% InLei® color
- PLATINUM silicone , one of a kind
- Sterilizable in an autoclave
- Size: Universal
- Contents: 2 pairs glossy , 2 pairs matt
The semi-transparent green color and the futuristic profiles immediately catch the eye, so they are also perfect for your eye-catching photographs on social media!
Apply the curler on the eyelid with the help ofInLei® Fixing GelorLamica Gel, making sure to keep 1mm distance from the roots of the lashes.
When the curlers become very dark due to repeated use of dyes, they should be thrown away and replaced.
Autoclaving can help lighten them.
We recommend keeping a set of dark curlers so you can use them on light lashes, it will help you see them better during the treatment.
Inside this set you will find two very similar but at the same time very distinct curlers.
What are their similarities:
- The body is one (they do not have the "petal" separate from the body).
- The inside is shiny, so you can apply them to your eyelid without using glue.
- They have a single size, suitable for all eyelash lengths.
- The outer surface (where the lashes are applied) has two different finishes: glossy and matte.
- They can be used on both the lower and upper lashes.
What are the differences instead:
InLei® Shape- they are semi-transparent green platinum silicone curlers (right and left). Their shape, seen in section, resembles a half drop. Consequently, they have a more rounded high point than the lower part of the curler, which acts
- in case of short eyelashes: from the belly up
- in the case of medium eyelashes: in the belly of the hair
- in the case of long lashes: at the root, giving a lift
In all cases, you get a uniform curvature, similar to a gentle sea wave, but at the same time firm and pronounced since the curler does not have a recessed part, so the tips of the lashes are directed towards "infinity".
InLei® Forma Up- they are semi-transparent green platinum silicone curlers (right and left). Their shape, seen in section, also resembles a half-drop but with a more angular shape. They can be used on various lengths of natural lashes, but in this case they offer a much more decisive and pronounced push than Forma.
If we want to compare them to the "L" lashes used in the extension field, we can say that they do not have such an acute angle (obviously), but they appear softer.
Forma Up was created asa cutting-edge curler to satisfy even the most advanced and daring requests.It is not easy to use at first approach, especially for beginners.
❗️In case the lamimaker is a beginner, it is better to start with some tests, especially regarding the application of the eyelashes on the curler. After 5/6 tests you can use it in complete safety.
❗️In the case of highly experienced lamimakers, the curler does not require any particular precautions, but it is still recommended to carry out at least an initial test of the treatment with Forma Up before applying it to a client.
The Forma Up curler completely erases the old canons of balanced and homogeneous curvature, sometimes creating wild and very visible effects. In some cases, depending on the direction of growth of the natural lashes, it can be slightly uncomfortable in the regrowth. However, just organize with the client to do a touch-up a week before the due date.
Once tried, the customer will not be able to do without it! Trust us! We have tested it for 2 years, before launching it on the market more than 1000 treatments were conducted.
It is recommended to wash them very well with soap cleanser immediately after removing them from the eye, in order to keep them white for as long as possible. When they become very dark due to repeated use of dyes, they should be thrown away and replaced. Sterilization in autoclave can help lighten them. To disinfect them correctly we recommend using a sanitizer specifically for curlers and professional tools such as InLei® F PLUS.
Tests carried out during development showed that some lamimakers prefer to spread the lashes on the matte surface, which makes you feel a greater grip, while others have a manual dexterity so they prefer to work on a surface mirrored.
To know more features, read this item!