VINCENT professional cat's tongue brush for eyelashes and eyebrows

Regular price €19,47


Lash & brow stylists in every country have always looked for a functional and practical tool to correctly apply Lash Filler and Brow Bomber solutions in an accurate manner . The InLei® Vincent professional cat's tongue brush was born from this need!

  • 100% Made in Italy
  • Resistant to water and disinfection
  • Durable tip to wear
  • Bristles soft plum colored synthetics
  • Ergonomic handle
  • Ring in brass
  • Lightweight, practical and resistant
  • Designed to offer maximum comfort

If you are a professional who loves giving quality to customers, this tool is the best you can give yourself to transform your work into a work of art! Every detail has been chosen with the utmost care by subjecting the brush to severe quality tests.

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Professional brush made to measure in collaboration with a historic Italian brush factory.

  • Handle made frombirch wood, light and resistant, color satin black.The satin finish, in addition to making it elegant, ensures maximum water resistance.
  • Ring innickel-plated brasswith double constriction which ensures maximum firmness of the tip and keeps it firmly anchored to the handle even over time.
  • Bristlessoft plum colored syntheticswhich facilitate uniform application of the product (they do not absorb the product unnecessarily).

The InLei® VINCENT brush allows you todab the product very wellbetween one hair and anotherduring the drafting of the substancesof lamination on eyelashes and eyebrows.

The synthetic bristles are designed to offer maximum comfort in use and to spread thesolutionsabsolutelyuniform. Its very thin tip guarantees themaximum controlduring application, to achieve unprecedented perfection.

It can also be used for other purposes: dyeing and make-up.

  • Wash the bristles with running water and neutral soap.
  • Soak the tip for 10-15 minutes in InLei® F PLUS
  • Rinse with water and dry very well with a cloth.